
Chairman's Message

Dr. Ashok Kumar
MA, M.Sc, M.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D

Dear learners,
I have great pleasure in presenting you the courses of Vision Early Childhood Care and Education (VECCE) for various certificates and diploma programmes. The organization is a success story in democratization of education.
VECCE recognizes the importance of sustainable and affordable high quality programmes and courses across Disciplines, and at a variety of levels to meet the life-long education, training, capacity building and Public service, needs of anyone, anytime and anywhere. The self-learning study materials have been offered to you in such excellence that you can prepare yourselves easily and feel as if your teachers are seated beside you. The common prospectus will give you the comprehensive information about the opportunities. VECCE has opened for student communities.
I am sure your education at VECCE will enable you to grow both as an individual and as a responsible citizen of your country. With a faculty that is committed to excellence, your learning will be further strengthened by the diversity of the faculty and student body. This will make the journey of education more exciting.
I wish all concerned success in your life, and a bright and prosperous future for all the students.
I welcome you to the world of VECCE and wish you the very best for your journey ahead.
Enjoy your studies at VECCE.
I wish you all success.

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Quick Contact
Corporate Office Address -
Head Office :    B-39, East Gokalpur, Amar Colony, Delhi-110094 
Admin Office :  34/9, Vidya Complex, Jai Devi Nagar Garh Road, Meerut (UP)-250002 
Phone No. - 8923114005
Mobile No. - 8267957354, 8923114002
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Governing Body

Dr. Ashok Kumar (M.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D-Edu., Bot.) Chairman
Dr. Raj Kumar Nayak (MA, M.Phil, Ph.D-Edu.) Director
Dr. Kuldeep Kumar (M.Ed., Ph.D-Edu.) Director
Mr. Vijay Kumar Director
Dr. Pawan Tyagi Managing Director
Mr. Kritesh Sharan Legal Advisor
Mr. Parmendra Kumar Yadav Legal Advisor
Er. Rakesh Kumar Patwa Technical Support
